Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Key Beliefs Within Two Religious Traditions - 4561 Words

Paige Frampton Religious Studies 2015 AS 90823 BLUE Explain the key beliefs within two religious traditions in a relation to a significant religious question. Life after death is a very controversial topic around the world and in society. Throughout our lives, we often wonder ‘what happens when we die?’. There are many different beliefs as to what happens to our bodies and to our souls after we die. Religion provides answers to this question, however different religions offer different beliefs and answers to this question. There are two basic kinds of religion in this world: Eastern and Western. Through learning about the key beliefs of Catholics and Hindus I have been able to learn some similar and some different perspectives on the forever debatable question ‘what happens when we die?’. The official teaching of the Catholic Church is located in the book ‘the Catechism of the Catholic Church’ (CCC). Which is based on the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Catholics believe that Jesus died on the cross for us, he sacrificed himself for us by doing this, to redeem our sins so that we can go to heaven to be with Christ for eternity. â€Å"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.† (John 3:16) Some symbols in the Catholic faith also relate to our beliefs on life after death, such as the cross. The crossShow MoreRelatedGrand Canyon Int 244 Complete Course1616 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstandings and beliefs, do you agree with this definition? Explain your reasoning. Cite references where possible. 5 postsRe:Topic 1 DQ 1 Identify basic beliefs and practices of the various the forms of historical Christianity. Do identify with these? Explain why or why not. Cite references where possible. WEEK 2 DQ 1 Consider the question of whether Judaism is essentially a religion, a race, a culture, or something else. 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